Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It's a Girl

Katie is participating in some study for first time mothers at LDS Hospital, and one of the incentives they give you, along with a few Target gift cards, is a few free ultrasounds. We went this morning and got a great ultrasound tech (or whatever they are called), and we were able to see clearly that our baby is a girl. Katie and I are way pumped. It seems more real now that we can refer to her as a "she," rather than an "it." Now we are really going to have to start thinking of some names.

I have attached a few pictures of the ultrasound. We don't have a scanner, so I just took pictures of the printouts with our camera. One is a side shot, where you can see one hand up by her face and the other up around her head; the other is a top shot, showing the top of her head and her arm. She is really cute. I think she has my perfect bone structure.


cblakes said...

She looks like an elven queen of Lothlorien. Congratulations!!

Ian said...

Ahhh, yes. I keep telling Katie we should name her Galadriel after the great queen of the elven wood. I would even be happy with the name Eowyn, Daughter of Kings.

Ian said...

Yes, I did get a comment from someone to whom I am not married, but you will note that, even still, it is from someone who lives in the same house as I do. Maybe I need to start making up scandalous news stories to get more readers like Homer did in that great Simpsons episode.

Jayme said...


I have a long list of names that my Katie has rejected. Most come from what I am reading, which has been mostly Russian lit., so you can guess at the wonderful names. If consonant-filled names, you might consider these:


But, seeing as you love literature, I suggest a different literary name. Instead of naming her after a character, you should name her after a publication form: NOVELLA!

Novella Davis